Born in the border city of Reynosa, Mexico, proud immigrant and honors graduate from Brazosport High School, Leslie Reyes Vargas attends Brazosport College as part of the education program. Her goal is to become her family's first-generation college graduate, and to become part of other students lives on the daily from the classroom as a teacher.
StatementThe piece is titled "Self-Portrait: Between the Living and the Death". This piece was done in watercolors, which is my personal to go medium. I was inspired to make a self-portrait due to my admiration for Mexican artists Frida Kahlo, who is most recognized for her self-portraits. As a young adult balancing my life between college, work and family, is not easy. With this piece, I want to convey the feeling of numbness, an in-between state in which one is not dead, yet is not living. (Try to view the piece while covering the other half, and it might look like two individual paintings!)